So finally I have decided to say Hiya !! once again. I had quiet a few posts in this blog earlier, but I am sure no one ever read it. So one fine day I decided to delete them and today on another fine day I am thinking of starting again.. So hello world(reloaded).
So, totally clueless as on how to start with the first post.
WHY ? Another post when ppl have already so much to read.
The answer is any one or a combination of the following:
1- Hey !! I am jobless so why not write
2- Hey !! There are a lot of jobless ppl in the work. Help the needy.
3- I can think. I get some thoughts in pea sized brain of mine. Let me share it with people. May be I might be ablt o find some like minded people.
So, I guess I will be writing basically about technical things and my opinion on whatever is happening around me.
So for starters, today you can refer to my another post which I am planning to continuously update. It is called "Wat I learnt at school today" where obviuosly school means my office.
So bya bya. This is me signing out (from this post and signing in back to complete) the other. So long and thanks for all the fish.
Disclaimer : Please hold no grudge against me for my jokes in the post. U know how it feels like talking to yourself, the slightest of the things can generate the greatest of rxn(wow wat deep thinking). And trust me I am a pretty nice and "funny person".
2 days ago
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